Category Archives: Baby

Baby Tips

Made in Me

I’m seriously in love this with amazing software/learning game for kids. (Found at Simply Modern Mom) It is the opposite of all the things I usually dislike about computer games. It is really lovely, almost calm and has incredible crafts related to the chapter. I’ve only seen the free chapter but I cant wait until baby is old enough to play with it together.

Download for free at from Made in Me on Vimeo.


Play kitchens

I’m recently become very interested in early montessori education. Since then, I’ve started to explore the idea of a play kitchen. I just love this one. It is small, stylish, perfect AND was originally a nightstand.


Happy Halloween!

We’ve got a busy weekend planned! There’s a baby Halloween gathering planned, then an adult parade (we probably will watch out the window) & trick or treating! I just love the costumes. Here’s a baby dinosaur flanked by a pumpkin, monkey and lion.



Living with a small child in a one bedroom apartment is a challenge. I love that it is forcing us to minimize. I’m on the lookout for other pretty but affordable storage. Checkout this beautiful basement from Armelle. I can easily see it working in our house.


Traveling w/ Baby

I was told before Baby was born that our trip to the Galapagos (while 5 months pregnant) would have to be my last for a while. I’m not sure I believed them but the idea was pretty upsetting. It never occurred to me that babies and kids couldn’t travel. Since then I’ve watched friends travel with their kids around the world and am inspired by sites like Little Nomads. We CAN do this – I know we can. Dreaming starts now.


Loving this room

I just adore this room from an old Cookie magazine article. I think the baby’s room might need to morph into this as she gets older.


Almost 5 months

What a difference it makes! M’s changed from being a small delicate creature to an alert loving little person. I can finally say it is getting easier. If we could only sleep more than 3 hours in a row – it would be perfect. In the past month, she’s had her first plane trip, first road trip, first antique show and first art show.


EC Wannabees

Warning Potty Talk below…

I love EC (Elimination Communication) in concept. I love the idea of using less diapers, never having her get used to sitting in waste, and not having to battle with a 3+ year old over toilet training. I did wonder how women who have their babies tied to their backs w/out diapers never end up all wet! I’ve found it is very normal in many parts of the world.

That said, we are in the back of the class when it comes to EC. It could be that I’m just not in tune or it could be that she’s very subtle. It could be that due to a whole bunch of other issues I spend ALOT of time pumping. But when I hold her over the toilet and signal, she just squirms and looks at me funny. The highlight of the morning we went diaper free was a lap of baby poop. (Aside, breastfed baby poop isn’t as gross as adult or animal poop.)

I have met A LOT of interesting folks on the EC path. It seems that EC is very common in Russia or at least a bunch of the women I have met are first generation Russian. There are several first generation Guatemalans. A large section of the folks in the uptown EC group are the attachment parenting, home birthing, cloth diapers set. I find it interesting that both mothers and fathers attend the groups and are extremely participatory. I’ve attended mostly out of curiosity.

Overall I’m amazed that it works! I cheer on anyone trying!! But, Baby and I are really a little more along the Montessori Toilet learning lines. I am very careful to keep her dry except overnight. As we use gdiapers, I’ve started exploring part-time cloth to keep her from getting used to being comfortable wet. I plan to start offering her the toilet once she’s able to sit. I’m happy to explore one more way of communicating.

Baby Personal

Crash Course Notes

More than anything, motherhood has felt like a crash course in early childhood education/care and community building. (That is aside from the mind numbing level of exhaustion! I know it is cliche but it’s true.)

I’m making a big effort to be green and save money where I can. This has lead down some strange paths and I have new found knowledge on hybrid diapers, EC, 3 month milestones, homemade babyfood and for self preservation radical homemaking.

My bookpile from the library (I read while I nurse) is a strange mix of feminism (feminist mystique, reviving ophelia), baby books (Raffi’s Baby Beluga, Mommy Kisses), how to books (Cooking for Baby) and pleasure reading (Crossing to Safety).

I find myself suddenly interwoven with entire communities (of mostly women). I’m working on creating a village for my little girl which ranges from member of my csa, other folks interested in improving our local park, new mom’s group members, ec group members, etc etc.

I am officially for now a SAHM. I can honestly say I never expected it. We decided that one of us should stay with the baby for a while. It makes the most sense for it to be me. I wrestled with it ALOT but I’ve come to terms and am feeling good. One of the things that is REALLY important is for me to be able to get positive feedback and encouragement as a 3 month old usually can’t provide it. (BTW if you’re in the same place read Radical Homemakers – it might just keep me sane.) I’m working on finding outlets that allow me to think and act like an adult. I’ve begun a group to improve Bennett Park and I’m slowly gathering volunteers. I’ve started working at a food coop giving me a few hours a month away from baby and a large discount on green food. Finally, I’ve decided to *try* to use this blog to talk about things that I’m working on. It might not seem like a world altering achievement to figure out the details of hybrid diapers, the excel sheet on cost, and the details of keeping them clean BUT that’s where I am for now. I’ve come to realize that there area ALOT of people out there in the physical and internet world in the same place. So – I apologize once and for all for any spelling or grammatical errors and let’s get it started…

Good Night World.

Baby Personal


Too busy living right now to have much to say… that and having not slept more than 3 hours straight in a month… Loving this photo by Chia de Foto.