Category Archives: Baby



In a world where money was no object and I could be completely frivilous, I would hire a stylist. Someone who would come into my home – wave a magic wand and make me as stylish as Josyln from Simple Lovely.

I have found that perfect stylist on the baby level. It is the Little Dipper Store on etsy. There is only so long that she will allow me to pick her style and I just LOVE these classic vintage designs.


Problem with Boon's Duck Squish

I love Boon’s products. I really appreciate that they make water toys that are free of BPA, Phthalate and PVC! My daughter adores her duck but after a month of chewing on it’s beak – it is chipping paint!! I’ve emailed the company and have yet to hear back. I really don’t like the idea of my baby eating any kind of paint. To make matters worse, there is at least on other review on Amazon with the same problem.

UPDATE: I emailed Boon and got a PHONE CALL in response. They were fantastic and are sending a new duck. So happy to know that Boons customer service is as good as its design.


Safe Toys Etc.

In my seemingly never-ending quest to figure out which toys are the safest for my kiddo. I’ve put together this list. This is a work in progress. Thanks to some of the great websites out there : SafeBaby, The SoftLanding Blog, SafeMama, Enviromental Working Group, Healthy Stuff and Zrecs Guide.

Boon Inc. (Bath Toys, Dishes etc): PVC, BPA and Phthalate free
BlaBla Kids (Knitted Toys)
Crocodile Creek (Ball) PVC free
Green Toys
Green Sprouts/iPlay
Grimm’s Spiel and Holz
Plan Toy
Manhattan Toys
Mimi the Sardine
Natursutten for teethers etc.
Spring Toys
Skip Hop Products
Tiny Love ” All Tiny Love products are BPA, PVC and Phthalate-free!”
Under the Nile

PVC Free RainCover


Love Love Love

I wonder if I could make this mobile for her room… or wait until the store reopens..


DYI Changing Pad

Check out this amazing dyi for a changing pad and diaper holder. A great gift!!

Baby Personal Photo

Making a photo calendar

I thought about making calendars at ofoto and sending them this year. This is so much better! DYI using your own photos and a cd case.

Baby Project

Towel into Babybib

I have an upcoming Secret Santa for Baby exchange. I had a limit of $10 but wanted to do something nice and thoughtful. This how to on turning a towel into a babybib is perfect! (Bloesom Kids)

Update: They came out really cute! I made 3 for us and 4 for a gift.


Make an Advent Calendar using BOOKS!

This is a super smart tradition – using the Christmas/Holiday books each year as an Advent by wrapping and numbering them. (From savoring the details)


Wonderful way to preserve children's art

“Jan Eleni, an interior designer based in Brooklyn, creates collages with your children’s artwork. Send between 40 and 112 of your kids’ masterpieces her way and she will return a modern grid of their work that looks great in any room.” (From Goop)

You could also do this yourself with a frame from ikea and some detailed work with a knife.


In the moment

I’m trying… (from Hula Seventy)

“but the biggest mistake I made is the one that most of us make while doing this. I did not live in the moment enough. this is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. there is one picture of the three of them sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages 6, 4 and 1. and I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.”

anna quindlen