Category Archives: Personal

Baby Personal

Thoughts of Red Balloons

We are preparing for a first birthday over here and my mind keeps wandering to the the classic film Le Ballon Rouge.


dreams like these

Just gorgeous photography by Tom Palumbo


little by little

From Josyln’s Operation Simplicity


Playing hookie

(Img from Rickshaw Design)

Every other week, baby gets 3 hours of babysitting. It is good for her to get regular alternative care. I have dutifly used that time to do the laundry. Another mom gave me a hard time (in a nice way) for not take the 3 hours and enjoying time by myself. (With my husband working fulltime and in night school, mothering is literally a 24×7 job) So today, I played hookie. I went and got myself a pedicure and left the laundry. (I wish I use spring as an excuse but it is freezing and sleet/snowing here.) It was great! For the record, brown/grey polish looks amazing on the toes.


To Do List

From i love life.

Personal Project

Create More!

My challenge to myself (along with daily exercise and eating better) is to start creating. Today was pretty successful.

This post reminded me that I had a diy lotion kit from MadeOn. I loved the lotion I got from her and thought I’d save some money by using her DIY kit. I got stopped by the double boiler directions. During naptime, I turned the kit into 4 lipbalms (2 mint & 2 honey) and 21 tiny bars of hard lotion.

AND using the directions for a tart from tartlett (found on pinterest), here’s dinner!

Personal Project

Toy Storage

Baby is now almost 11 months!! I’m starting to feel the need to control some of the toy “clutter”. The problem is that we don’t have much space. I love the bench look, the extra seating and it would be good for “cruising”. Is it too small?

I’m looking for something along this wall:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Gardening Personal

Spring we are READY!

The countdown has begun – 6 days until spring. We are signing up for our CSA – veg, fruit, flowers AND eggs this year since I’ll be home to use them. Looking forward to long walks in the park, open windows and piles of fresh produce.


Craving Colors

from Rishaw. I’m craving these colors somethin’ terrible this week – missing that turquoise blue.


Happy Valentines Day!

We are 48 hours into Mommy and Baby stomach flu over here. Nothing quite says happy valentines day like projectile vomit! Hoping you all are having long romantic dinners in dashing clothing surrounded by flowers. xoxo